Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm Not Your Buddy, Guy!

Make sure you watch the previous southpark post before this post. I never do this. I swear I am opposed to putting blatant politics on Bleorg Blog. So please, when you watch this...I am not trying to put out a political statement...I just want you to keep the title of this posting, 'I'm NOT your Buddy, Guy!' in your mind while you watch this. It will be hiliarious!

1 comment:

insertcleverid said...

Okay, I lied. This post actually demonstrates how the right wing media machine, (and Buchanan is a full fledged member of, regardless of what channel he's on) will co-opt religion in order to make it seem that, if you believe in god, you must vote Repuglican. When confronted with religious teachings that contradict right-wing ideology, they fail...fucking hard. Abortion? Death Penalty? Catholic church is against both...sorry, Pat.

But that 'buddy' thing is funny :)